Posts Tagged 'evil'

Racism and Disciples of Flesh

There are all kinds of physical differences in the body of Christ. Proclaimed disciples of Christ or “disciples of flesh” look at physical differences and qualities in the brotherhood of Christ and make a big deal about those features. There could be many reasons the flesh feels the way it does. Perhaps the flesh simply needs to feel good about itself because of past life experience. These brothers and sisters in the flesh get together in cliques as the old adage says: “Birds of a feather flock together”. Skin color and ethnicity is elevated to an issue of importance with these false disciples by their own choice. Racially mixed marriages are looked on with disdain and disgust by some of these folks. Whole bodies of “proclaimed Christians” ignore those in the body that are different or of mixed ethnicities in the hope that they will simply go away from lack of attention. These “proclaimed Christians of flesh” don’t want to look bad and like the Pharisees of old, want to look good to the eyes while fulfilling their agenda. The judgment upon brothers and sisters that are different is quiet, cool and calculated, designed to alienate and discourage. The real problem is that everything that is in the world is in these “proclaimed Christians”. Why? (Matthew 7:12; 1 Peter 2:4-5) They haven’t bothered to look at their old attitudes of the flesh and put on the new personality in Christ. (Ephesians 4:23,24; Romans 8:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 6:15) They fail to see how scripture, God’s Love or the sacrifice of His Son has touched them. Because of this, none of what God has done for them really touches their hearts and they fail to demonstrate what God expects of them. In short, these “proclaimed Christians” are as doomed as the world around them. (1 Peter 3:16; Matthew 10:15) They commonly stand off from one another and make judgments in their hearts against others. (John 16:33; Psalm 42; Romans 8:31-39) These “professed Christians” are as doomed as the father of the attitudes that they display. (2 Thessalonians 2:16,17; Hebrews 6:9-12) When Satan is cast into the lake of fire, all bigotry and evil attitudes, including those that carry them must be cast into the same place. God love you. However, He has given you free will and choice to make right decisions or wrong ones. How you exercise that freedom heavily influences the decision God makes for you during the time of judgment. Let’s make the year 2008 a year of jubilee, being as God wants His people to be!

Blogs by John & Ruth Greene

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May 2024